Glayse June Favarin
Belvivere Plastic Surgery, Brazil
She holds a medical degree from the Federal University of Pará (1994). She performed several experimental surgery during graduation. She completed his medical residency in General Surgery at the State Public Hospital Hospital (2000) and in Plastic Surgery at the Brigadeiro Hospital (2003). Approved first in the national competition for medical residency for the hospital Brigadeiro -ano2003. She has experience in Medicine, with emphasis on General Surgery and Plastic Surgery. Member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery Member of the American Society of Plastic Surgery Member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Specialist in Plastic Surgery by CRM and AMB. RQE 6689 Lecturer at the Medical School of Unesc (Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense), since 2014.
Abstract : Mastering Facial Lipofilling